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available potential energy中文是什么意思

用"available potential energy"造句"available potential energy"怎么读"available potential energy" in a sentence


  • 可用位能
  • 有效位能


  • The available potential energy has been computed by reference to a statically stable reference state .
  • Heavy rainfall ; numerical simulation ; diagnostic analysis ; convective available potential energy ; boundary convergence line ; mcc
  • So the maximum convective available potential energy mcape is able to give right information on where the initial convections will occur
  • The accumulation and transportation of moist available potential energy and the release of the condensation heat offer the material condition for this heavy rainfall . under the condition of the air ' s movement through the stiff moist isentropic surfaces , the development of vertical vorticity of mesoscale low vortex system is accelerated due to the slantwise vorticity development , and to form stronger convective system , so as to result in heavy storm rainfall
用"available potential energy"造句  
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